sábado, fevereiro 20, 2010


Mais Black Metal (claro).
Desta vez do país do Black Metal: a Noruega!
Muito bom, caso contrário não os poria aqui.


"In between the shadows
Dormant in the cold
Lies hatred everafter
Just waiting to unfold

Drifting void
All dignity bereft
Empathy dead
All the dark cravings are suppressed
Of retribution
Instincts concealed
Charred remains of decay forlorn

Filled to the point
Of agony and pain
A submissive mind
By hatred gone insane

Feel the spirit of the darkened soul
Black as midnight on a moonless night
Feel the rebirth of the animal
Wise men guided by the moral light
Feel the power of the anger freed
Now unleashed through a primal scream
Feel the pain from these jagged teeth
The embodiment of a violent dream

Transcendental journey
Of bestial devastation

Transcendental journey of the damned"

2 comentários:

João disse...

Black metal é o melhor!

ja agora gostei do facto de teres posto na tua foto o baterista dos Gorgoroth!

Dse7e disse...

Também acho! \m/